TEGUCIGALPA (EFE) – At least29 Salvadorans and five Hondurans werekilled during heavy rains that pounded theCentral American nations last weekend,according to wire reports.In El Salvador, 20 people were killedwhen their bus was swept away by anoverflowing river in a rural area 66 kilometerswest of the capital. Floodingclaimed another five lives in the ruralnorthwest of that country.In Honduras, heavy rains during thelate night hours of June 23 claimed fivelives in Tegucigalpa, including a womanwho was nine months pregnant.The rains made the rivers and streamsthat cross the Honduran capital overflow,said fire department spokesman OscarTriminio.At Las Colinas, east of Tegucigalpa,waters rose a meter and a half, damaging60 dwellings whose occupants lost everything.According to a preliminary firedepartment report, at least 300 people hadto be evacuated from the area and morethan 100 homes were damaged.Honduran President Ricardo Maduroand First Lady Aguas Ocaña visited thedevastated areas over the weekend andsaid the government will help rebuildhomes and repair damage.