SAN SALVADOR (EFE) – A groupof dissidents from the left-wingFarabundo Martí National LiberationFront (FMLN) announced this week thatthey will form a new left-wing politicalparty in El Salvador: The DemocraticRevolutionary Front.The new party will be headed by formerFMLN congressman Francisco Jovel,who, along with several mayors and 300former guerrilla loyalists, defected fromthe FMLN last week over differences withthat party’s leadership.The new party claims to be “democraticleft,” and hopes to reinvent ElSalvador’s political left, which has beendominated for the last decade by theFMLN, the Marxist insurgent movement turned-political party.The Democratic Revolutionary Frontdoes not plan to participate in the upcomingmunicipal and congressional electionsnext year, but has announced it will berunning a presidential candidate in the2009 elections.
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