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HomeArchiveLearning Center Announces Formation of International Board of Directors

Learning Center Announces Formation of International Board of Directors

THE Sarapiquí Conservation LearningCenter (SCLC) has announced the formationof an International Board of Directorsproviding strategic leadership and supportto the organization. Members were selectedfor a variety of characteristics, includingpersonal and professional abilities andgeographical representation.The SCLC Board of Directors consistsof: Amos Bien, president, Rara AvisRainforest Lodge, director of internationalprograms, The International EcotourismSociety, and founding member, CostaRican Ecotourism Association; ChristaDillabaugh, consultant, EnvironmentalEducation; Pamela Donovan, director ofcommunications and marketing,Sweetbriar Nature Center; Martha Honey,executive director, The InternationalEcotourism Society; Andrea Holbrook,president, Holbrook Travel; PollyMargaret Hunt, student groups and communityprograms coordinator, HaciendaPozo Azul; William Rojas, president, TheNational Ecotourism Board (CANAECO);Lidia Murillo Sanchez, community developmentmember, SCLC, and president,Indio Chorotega Ceramics; and PauloValerio, sales and marketing director, BestAdventure Travel.“THE new board will be a huge assetto the SCLC as we look to strengthen existingenvironmental and community programmingand to expand into grassrootsreforestation, water monitoring and sustainablemicro-enterprise support,”explains Greg Basco, executive director ofSCLC. “Board members offer expertise inecotourism, conservation, environmentaleducation, public relations and the localcommunity. The SCLC is now poised tomake great strides in promoting a greenerSarapiquí region.”Since its inception in 1995, the learningcenter has focused its mission on linkingcommunities and conservation througheducation and ecotourism in the Sarapiquíregion in north-central Costa Rica. Thecenter has become a resource for theSarapiquí community by providing andcoordinating activities that both enhanceeducation and support sustainable developmentin surrounding areas. For additionalinformation on SCLC and its programs,visit

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