THE Sarapiquí Conservation LearningCenter (SCLC) has announced the formationof an International Board of Directorsproviding strategic leadership and supportto the organization. Members were selectedfor a variety of characteristics, includingpersonal and professional abilities andgeographical representation.The SCLC Board of Directors consistsof: Amos Bien, president, Rara AvisRainforest Lodge, director of internationalprograms, The International EcotourismSociety, and founding member, CostaRican Ecotourism Association; ChristaDillabaugh, consultant, EnvironmentalEducation; Pamela Donovan, director ofcommunications and marketing,Sweetbriar Nature Center; Martha Honey,executive director, The InternationalEcotourism Society; Andrea Holbrook,president, Holbrook Travel; PollyMargaret Hunt, student groups and communityprograms coordinator, HaciendaPozo Azul; William Rojas, president, TheNational Ecotourism Board (CANAECO);Lidia Murillo Sanchez, community developmentmember, SCLC, and president,Indio Chorotega Ceramics; and PauloValerio, sales and marketing director, BestAdventure Travel.“THE new board will be a huge assetto the SCLC as we look to strengthen existingenvironmental and community programmingand to expand into grassrootsreforestation, water monitoring and sustainablemicro-enterprise support,”explains Greg Basco, executive director ofSCLC. “Board members offer expertise inecotourism, conservation, environmentaleducation, public relations and the localcommunity. The SCLC is now poised tomake great strides in promoting a greenerSarapiquí region.”Since its inception in 1995, the learningcenter has focused its mission on linkingcommunities and conservation througheducation and ecotourism in the Sarapiquíregion in north-central Costa Rica. Thecenter has become a resource for theSarapiquí community by providing andcoordinating activities that both enhanceeducation and support sustainable developmentin surrounding areas. For additionalinformation on SCLC and its programs,visit
Today in Costa Rica