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Evacuation drill

242,000 participated in Costa Rica earthquake drill

More than 242,000 people participated in Costa Rica’s earthquake drill on Wednesday night, authorities reported.

Nationwide earthquake drill in Costa Rica occurs Wednesday

If you live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, it’s important to know what to do when one hits.

More than a million participate in Costa Rica’s national earthquake drill

The National Emergency Commission (CNE) estimates more than a million people participated in Costa Rica's first-ever national earthquake drill.

Officials in Costa Rica’s capital ‘evacuate’ 60,000 people during earthquake drill

Employees of the National Insurance Institute at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 3 leave their offices in downtown San José to move to a...

Costa Rica’s capital to run earthquake drill Thursday

Nearly 60,000 people in over 90 buildings in downtown San José will be evacuated in a drill Thursday to test the country's preparation for an earthquake with an epicenter located near the capital.

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