DECADES of sweat and tears at thedrawing table have earned Costa Ricancartoonist Arcadio Esquivel a place in theweighty volume “Political Cartoons of theYear 2005,”...
THE soccer gurus in the Costa RicanSoccer Federation (FEDEFUT) gaveColombian coach Jorge Luis Pinto of theCosta Rican national team, La Selección,his walking papers last...
IT was a classic, corny sports flickfinish – Costa Rica’s national soccer team,La Selección, scored the tie-breaking goalagainst Panama in the last minute of...
AS government investigators and themedia continue to reveal new informationabout the corruption scandal in the CostaRican Social Security System (Caja), theLegislative Assembly has passed...
THE ongoing financial scandal thathas rocked the Social Security System(Caja) – Costa Rica’s nationalized healthcaresystem – saw several developmentsthis week.The Superintendence of Securities(SUGEVAL) filed...
MANY of Costa Rica’s PhotographyClub members are not even professionalphotographers, but judging from the strikingwork on display in San José’s Casa deCultura the photographers...
Costa Rica is confronting an escalating security crisis as murders climb year after year, with contract killings increasingly shattering the nation’s reputation for peace....
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) assessed human rights conditions in Costa Rica through a public hearing, where several organizations shared their perspectives...