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La República Editor Dies at 52

Franklin Herrera, editor of the daily La República, died Sunday of a heart attack while hiking Turrialba Volcano, on the Caribbean slope. He was...

Costa Rica’s Presidential Candidates:Who They Are and What They Want to Do

Voter apathy may keep voters away from the polls, but lack of choices should not. Fourteen candidates are contending in Sunday’s presidential election, hoping...

Organic Produce Forecast To Have a Strong Future

The commercialization of organic products has a promising future in Costa Rica since the large supermarket chains have entered the market, reported a study...

Rancho Naturalista Mountain Lodge Delights Birders and Bon Vivants Alike

At Rancho Naturalista, it’s all about the birds, says owner Cathy Erb. But after a recent visit, I’d say the food is a close...

Costa Rica Photojournalist Braves Treacherous Hike to Document Indigenous School

When I heard about the inauguration of a new school building at China Kichá – a remote jungle village in south-central Costa Rica’s Chirripó...

Spearhead Shows Cultural Crossroads

ON a pineapple plantation in northcentralCosta Rica, a ditch-digging crewwith a backhoe recently unearthed a thin,finely crafted fishtail – or Magellan – slatespearhead chipped...

Health Services Limited In Indigenous Communities

PUERTO VIEJO, Talamanca – Ten-year-old Alejandro Dorindo runs barefoot down the dense jungle trails leading from his home, nestled deep in the Talamanca mountains,...

Seed and Garden Supply Directory

EVERY year I receive many letters and e-mails from gardeners around the country. The most common question is: “Where can I find seeds and...

Tamarindo Gallery Showcases Costa Rican Art

WHAT better way to introduce Costa Rican artists to the rest of the world than to exhibit their work in a gallery in one...

‘What Happen’ Rereleased

THE Talamanca region, a beautiful expanse of the Caribbean coast stretching from Monkey Point, just north of the Panamian border, to Cahuita, on the...

Latest News

Exploring the Realm of Boa Constrictors in Costa Rica

I’ve always had a fondness for snakes. When I was young, I used to keep spare sheets of metal on the edges of the...

Costa Rica’s Economic Crisis Prompts Businesses to Demand Policy Changes

Costa Rica's business sector has called for a demonstration on May 15 to request measures in response to exchange rate effects. The mobilization coincides...

The Bolivian Amazon Orchestra Revives a Unique Indigenous Opera in the World

A rare Baroque opera written by an indigenous person, whose scores were hidden for centuries in a church in the Bolivian Amazon, came to...

Expat Living: Moving to a New House in Costa Rica

Moving isn’t fun in any country. Nothing extols the virtues of minimalism like picking up all your stuff and putting it back down again...

Panama’s President-Elect Vows Deportation for Darién Migrants

Panama's president-elect, José Raúl Mulino, promised this Thursday to deport migrants who enter the country through the Darién jungle, which borders Colombia, on their...
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