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Tico Times

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New Coffee-table Book about Coffee

“LOS Recibidores y el Café enCosta Rica” documents the 3,000 coffee“collection barns” (recibidores) in thecountry. An initiative of the Institute ofTropical Architecture, the book...

Coffee Harvest Time in Costa Rica

It’s harvest time at Finca María Los Ángeles in San Rafaelde Heredia, a coffee farm that has been in proprietor Antonio García’s family for...

Costa Rica Strikes Back in Gallo Pinto War

In the third battle of the cultural food war between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, Costa Rica struck back after its 2003 defeat and created...

Recognize and React: How to Survive a Tsunami in Costa Rica

In light of the disaster in Japan, a tsunami survivor guide in case the unthinkable ever happens in Central America.

Costa Rica Coffee Bound For Rose Bowl Parade

COSTA Rican coffee will have anaudience of millions on New Year’s Daywhen a Starbucks float highlighting Ticojava participates in the 116th Rose Bowlparade in...

Lucky in Costa Rica: Your Guide to Traditional New Year’s Rituals

The following traditional Costa Rican rituals and myths should bring you nothing but luck in 2005 as long as you don't break a leg...

Community Aids Limón Red Cross

THE grave financial situation of the Limón Red Cross has taken an optimisticturn after the Caribbean port town’s chapterthreatened to close its doors severalmonths...

Co-op Touts Benefits of Solar-Dried Coffee

A new technology being tested inTilarán, a town in northwestern CostaRica, suggests innovative coffee-dryingmethods have the power to benefit theenvironment.The Tilarán coffee-producers cooperativeCoopeldos R.L.,...

December Diving in Costa Rica: Caribbean Reefs vs. Pacific Waters

December divers dropping down in Costa Rica might decide to check out both of the rich coasts. Conditions during this month change fast. Last...

Pineapple Overtakes Coffee As Second-Highest Export

PINEAPPLE displaced coffee as thesecond-highest export product from CostaRica this year. Sales totaled $180.7 millionin the third quarter of the year, 30%more than the...

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