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Tico Times

2496 POSTS

Becoming a Costa Rican Citizen: Process, Tips & Requirements

Oscar García figured it was about time to get his citizenship. He has lived in Costa Rica since he was a kid, but neglected...

Studying birds’ lives in Costa Rica and why it matters

More than 200 ornithologists, biologists, bird guides and amateur birders flocked to the University of Costa Rica (UCR) last Thursday for the inaugural session...

A Pilgrim’s Progress: A Guide to Costa Rica’s Romería

If this is the year you've decided to lace up your sneakers and follow Costa Rica's Catholic faithful on the march to Cartago, you...

Israeli attack on the unarmed Turkish – Nicaragua Was Right

In response to the July 2 letter stating that Obama should be more like Ortega in condemning the Israeli attack on the unarmed Turkish...

Costa Rica Spanish Guide: Avoiding Common Word Mix-ups for Tourists

Welcome back, fellow language learners and Costa Rica explorers! In our ongoing series about the linguistic adventures awaiting expats and tourists in this beautiful...

Cross-Border Tales of a Costa Rican Expat’s Life in the US Military

Adolfo Louzao never lost that tough guy, Marine-like appearance. At 66, his arms swell from his blue, T-shirt, stretching the fabric almost to tatters....

This Bride of Paradise: Tropical Weddings in Costa Rica

When Lianne Jangula and Bo Blake decided to elope, they chose Costa Rica. The Chicago couple, engaged for two years, realized that with their...

The Hidden Complexity of English: Why Learning It Early Matters

Am I ever glad I started to learn English at my mother’s knee, when I still had enough neurons left to do the job...

How the Sandinistas’ 1979 Tactical Retreat Shaped Nicaragua’s Revolution

To the chants of “Daniel! Daniel! Daniel!” President Daniel Ortega last weekend commemorated the 31st anniversary of the Sandinistas’ “Tactical Retreat to Masaya” (Repliegue...

Nicaragua’s Pelican Eyes Resort Looks to Brighter Future

SAN JUAN DEL SUR – For more than six years, Pelican Eyes Resort has overlooked San Juan del Sur like an acropolis on the...

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