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Tico Times

1450 POSTS

Rainforest Activist Says Coffee Leads Way

Speaking to the coffee industry gathered in San José recently for the annual Sintercafé coffee conference, Tensie Whelan described her vision of the future. “Imagine...

Play Unites Breast Cancer, Coffee-Picking Themes

A new play, “Baile el Capital,” shows that coffee pickers have more than just beans on their minds. A group of women and their...

Guanacaste Coffee Coop Awarded $45K

The Agriculture and Livestock Ministry awarded the Santa Elena coffee cooperative with ¢25 million (about $45,500) for sustainable and environmentally friendly farming. The cooperative, in...

Bean Ladies Meeting In Coffee Country

The Women in Coffee Alliance, an organization that brings together women in the coffee industry, is holding its first international conference in Costa Rica. The...

Captain Became Coffee Growers’ Good Shepherd

When devout Chr i s t ian Capt. William Le Lacheur first arrived in the Pacific port city of Puntarenas in the mid-19th century,...

Market Speculators Could Be Affecting Coffee Prices

MANAGUA Nicaraguan coffee producers should be wary of rising coffee prices that may be unrealistically inflated due to speculative buying by commodity investors, said...

New Coffee Culture Taking Root Here

MATAGALPA Lesther Valladares, 32, grew up in the foothills of Nicaragua s prime coffee country. But like most other Matagalpinos, Valladares learned at a...

Nicaragua coffee exports heating up

Nicaraguan coffee exports shot up 48.9 percent in the first 10 months of the 2007-08 harvest compared with the year before, according to the...

Costa Rican Coffee May Be Outta This World

Astronauts and space tourists may soon enjoy Costa Rican-style coffee while in orbit thanks to a recent invention that works without gravity and uses...

Sweet Potatoes in Costa Rica: Tasty Tropical Spuds

Here’s a wonder plant that can provide a bountiful supply of nutritious food for the family and may save the day if it comes...

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