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Tico Times

37010 POSTS

FIFA may move World Cup games as Brazil struggles with building

Several cities lagged in meeting deadlines imposed by FIFA.

Brazil gives green light to same-sex marriage

Government offices that issue marriage licenses no longer have legal standing to reject gay couples.

Meet the Chinese ‘censors’ who watch 700 porn movies a week

Pornography in China — like prostitution and other sex-related commerce — is illegal but, increasingly, readily available throughout the country.

Restrictions on U.S. drug agents in Mexico seen as overdue

Peña Nieto's decision to limit the ability of U.S. agents to operate in Mexico has been met with dismay by U.S. law enforcement agencies.

Astronaut Hadfield’s Space Station music video is a first

With his folk-singer voice and easygoing Canadian manner, a kid from the cornfields of southern Ontario has turned into one of the most popular astronauts in decades.

Ocean of opportunity

More marinas, docks and ferries can help Costa Rica go greener.

U.S. Justice Department secretly obtains telephone records of journalists for The Associated Press

The U.S. news agency protested the seizure in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder saying, "there can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters."

‘Carlos the Jackal’ back in court in France

After years on the run from western security services, the world's most famous terrorist was finally arrested in Sudan in 1994 and transferred to France.

U.S. IRS targeted groups critical of government, documents from agency probe show

Documents show the IRS field office in charge of evaluating applications for tax-exempt status decided to focus on groups making statements that "criticize how the country is being run."

Venezuelan president, accused of electoral fraud, finds backing abroad

Brazil's Rousseff: "I'm sure that with President Maduro, I will have the same high-level relationship that I had with President Chávez."

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