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Tico Times

37010 POSTS

Pact to Review Vehicle Inspections Blasted

AN agreement to review Riteve SyC’s monopoly over mandatory annual vehicle inspections, included in a pact between the Social Christian Unity Party deputy recently...

Conference Focuses on Farming Technology

SCIENCE and technology are the keys to feeding the world’s hungry, the region’s agricultural leaders determined at a conference near San José earlier this...

Country’s Dollar Investment Funds Stabilize

U.S. dollar investment funds in Costa Rica began stabilizing this week after investors withdrew nearly 50% of the money from the funds in the...

Chamber: Airport Dispute Worrisome

THE president of the Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) this week warned that the dispute between the Costa Rican government and Alterra Partners,...

U.S. Ambassador Talks Trade During Farewell

IN his last public speech as U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica, John J. Danilovich this week bid a fond farewell to the country, discussed...

ICE Offers $1 Million To Pay for Fish Kill

THE Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) has offered to pay $1 million to help compensate for the asphyxiation of thousands of fish in the...

Deals Define Legislative Elections

AFTER a series of controversial political deals, congressional deputies on Saturday elected legislator Gerardo González, of the ruling Social Christian Unity Party, as president...

Deputy Looks Into Sports Wagering Uproar

LIBERTARIAN legislative deputy Carlos Herrera says he is investigating the sudden and unexpected decision by the San José Municipality to shut down the sports...

Popularity Has Surged

Poll Says Ex-President’s IF the country elected its next President today, former President Oscar Arias (1986-1990) would win, according to a recent poll conducted...

Canadian Promises Millions To Pacific Coast Town

FRANCESCO Pécora, a 39-year-old Canadian investor, has accepted thousands of dollars from citizens of the small town of Paquera on the Nicoya Peninsula, promising...

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