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Tico Times

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Jazz Quintet from Julliard School of Music Playing in Costa Rica

A JAZZ quintet from the famous Julliard School of Musicis scheduled to perform a concert at Eugene O’Neill Theaterat the Costa Rican-North American Cultural...

‘Talking With…’ Opens Tonight

THE Little Theatre Group has gathered 12 actors and seven directors topresent a collection of intriguing characters for its upcoming production of“Talking with...”Jane Martin’s...

National Team Soccer Trainner

ADVICE from a pro: Steve Sampson, the coach of the Costa Rican NationalSoccer Team, speaks to fifth-and sixth-grade students from Escuela Repúblicade Venezuela in...

Country’s Fishing Slow

Fishing reports are pretty sparse as of press time – that’salways a bad omen.The river at Barra Colorado, on the northern Caribbeancoast, was up...

Surveys: Economy Stable

Despite dropping business confidence and afinancial crisis that prompted thousands ofinvestors to withdraw their money from thecountry’s investment funds, experts say CostaRica’s economy remains...

Doubts Plague Parrot Project

A project meant to rescue thousands of parrotsmay seem like a natural fit for a country that boasts 16native parrot species, including the scarlet...

Ticos Scramble for Canadian Visas

FOR some, it’s a sudden inconvenience and expense.For others, it is the closing of a door to a new life in NorthAmerica.While the latter...

Students, Police Clash over School Budget

GRANADA, Nicaragua – Mountingtension over the education budget eruptedinto street battles this week, as hundreds ofNicaraguan university students clashed violentlywith riot police in university...

High Oil Prices Spark Crisis

GRANADA, Nicaragua – Soaringinternational oil prices this week shot uppump prices in Nicaragua to a record-high41 córdobas ($2.60) per gallon, sparking anew crisis for...

103 Youths Die in Honduran Prison Blaze

TEGUCIGALPA – At least 103 prisoners,mostly young gang members of theinfamous Mara Salvatrucha (MS), diedearly Monday morning of asphyxiation orburn wounds from a fire...

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