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Tico Times

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Costa Rica says Nicaragua lacks evidence of alleged damage to border river

At a hearing in the International Court of Justice on Tuesday, Costa Rica dismisses claims made by the Nicaraguan government that road construction near the border represents an environmental threat.

U.S. agency proposes rules to protect bluefin tuna

The "bycatch" problem is slowing efforts to rebuild the bluefin population in the western Atlantic, which is at 36 percent of the 2012 level, according to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas.

In El Salvador, citizens reject Halloween and celebrate a unique Day of the Dead

8 photos from "La Calabiuza" festival – a Salvadoran tradition that predates the arrival of the Spanish to the country in the 1500s.

U.S. police probe motive after deadly L.A. airport shooting

Panicked travelers scrambled to escape after the shooter, named as 23-year-old Paul Anthony Ciancia, pulled out the gun and shot his way through a security checkpoint.

When vegetarianism isn’t so healthy

NUTRITION IN THE NEWS: Processed food is processed food, regardless of whether it contains animal products.

Perchance to dream

SOMEONE SAID: A man is tormented by a recurring night terror in which he is unpersuasive and therefore fails the human race.

U.S. unearths new drug ‘supertunnel’ under Mexican border

For the first time, agents seized cocaine intended to be smuggled through the tunnel as well as more than eight tons of marijuana, indicating that Mexican drug cartels are getting increasingly "desperate," U.S. officials said.

Costa Rican journalist calls for re-examination of CIA-Contra drug links, DEA agent’s murder

Lafitte Fernández claims that in the 1980s, the administration of U.S. President Ronald Reagan went into league with the largest drug traffickers of the era to ship copious quantities of cocaine through Costa Rica and El Salvador to the United States to help support the Contras.

42 parties for getting your trick or treat on in Costa Rica this Halloween

UPDATE: We've added more fiestas to the list. Halloween might not be a traditional Tico holiday. But there are plenty of places to dress up and celebrate in Costa Rica.

VIDEO: In Costa Rica, Andy Rourke declares ‘never say never’ about reuniting The Smiths

Costa Rica's Hoxton recently hosted the legendary former bass player of The Smiths in his first appearance in Central America. Before the DJ set, The Tico Times sat down with Rourke to talk about what still is one of the greatest bands to have hit the stage. See a video and photos of the show here.

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