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Don Mateo


Costa Rica Expat Living: My Friend in the City

There is a guy I know, a US citizen--I will call him Victor- who has lived in Costa Rica for 12 years, yet is...

9 Things not Covered in Costa Ricas Driver’s Exam

I have been helping my daughter study for the written part of her driver’s exam and noticed that the manual did not cover many...

Costa Rica Expat Living: The Pervert

After 15 years at the beach, I was back in the southern zone city of San Isidro del General. I had come full circle...

Costa Rica Expat Living: Hospital Patient 25

I was getting this occasional pain in my solar plexus, usually after eating. It was a sharp and constant pain, and the most comfortable...

Costa Rica Expat Living: I Practice Road Tranquility

A few years ago, I was on the receiving end of the only “road rage” incident I have experienced in over 20 years in...

Costa Rica Expat Living: Mr. Green

I was caretaking the mansion of my friend Carlton while he accompanied his obscenely wealthy family on another jaunt around the world. The mansion...

When the Best Monkey Falls from the Tree

There is a Costa Rican expression my wife likes to use when I am overconfident about a situation:  El mejor mono cae del zapote.  The best...

Costa Rica Expat Life: Political Correctness Not Spoken Here

When it comes to using a word or nickname to describe another person, the average Costa Rican is refreshingly un-politically correct. An overweight guy...

Costa Rica Expat Life: The Body in the Road

It was the end of a long summer day in the tourism business. I lived 10 km inland from the ocean, and was on...

Tourism in Costa Rica that Dare not Speak its Name

I was seated in the bar of a downtown San Jose hotel, waiting for friends to arrive.An attractive young woman took the seat next...

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