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1176 POSTS

Nicaragua says Colombia defying UN court in sea dispute

Nicaragua accused Colombia of openly defying judges at the UN's top court in a bitter decades-long legal battle over maritime borders.

US to end travel bans, change Covid entry requirements

U.S. Americans not fully vaccinated will still be able to enter but only on testing negative within a day of travel.

Venezuela’s Maduro sees legitimacy challenged in rare trip abroad

Maduro showed up at the last minute at a one-day meeting of the 33-member Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, or CELAC.

Oxygen shortage due to Covid in Nicaragua: ‘Stand in line and wait for a miracle’

According to the government of Daniel Ortega, Covid-19 hasn't caused a collapse in public hospitals, but his opponents claim otherwise.

What life is like aboard the SpaceX Dragon capsule

The first space tourism mission by Elon Musk's SpaceX blasted off from Florida on Wednesday and the four crew members -- a billionaire and...

Costa Rica among finalists for Prince William environment prize

Costa Rica is pioneering a project to pay people to restore natural ecosystems.

Two in three LatAm kids still not back in classroom: UNICEF

Two out of three children in Latin America and the Caribbean have not returned to the classroom after months of coronavirus lockdown, the UN...

International travel recovery lags behind domestic: Boeing

About 84 percent of domestic travel returned to 2019 levels in July, compared with only about one-fourth of international travel, according to a Boeing presentation.

Salvadorans march against bitcoin and ‘dictatorship’

Thousands of Salvadorans protested Wednesday against the government's introduction of bitcoin as legal tender in the impoverished country as well as against judicial reforms...

Top Nicaragua writer predicts Ortega govt will ‘fall’

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega's embattled government will eventually "fall", said the country's awarding-winning novelist Sergio Ramirez, the target of an arrest warrant issued by Managua.

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