A Thursday afternoon tornado struck the province of Heredia, leaving a woman dead after a wall in her house fell by the impact of a fallen tree. Dozens of roofless houses, broken windows and walls also were reported.
The storm, which struck shortly after 1 p.m., also brought an unusual amount of hail in several communities, damaged homes and vehicles.
According to the Red Cross, communities most affect include Los Lagos, La Milpa, San Francisco, San Rafael, Guararí and Mercedes Sur. Damage also was reported in some areas west of the capital.
The tornado and heavy hail dropped trees on several streets and in the parking lot of the Universidad Latina campus in Heredia, where at least one car was damaged. Several homes also were reported to have been affected by overflowing sewers and storm drains.
Workers from the Public Services Company of Heredia are attending several cases of felled trees and power lines, and attempting to restore power to several communities left in the dark.
The National Meteorological Institute reported at least 229 lightning strikes during the peak of the storm.
*This information was updated at 6:12 pm