FYI – when calling ICE for assistance, note that the phone number 1117 now dials 911 Emergency Service, rather than the ICE service center as before.
On December 21, Sámara lost a familiar face when Patrick J. Barret died. He arrived from Oregon several years ago and found life agreeable; he often walked through town and stopped at various places to enjoy a visit and a cold drink. Pat’s wonderful friends organized complete care for him and even took care of the funeral. Farewell, Pat.
Starting in the last half of 2012, the Sámara music scene began improving tremendously. This is thanks to many people but especially to the gifted and diverse Milio, who sings, and plays saxophone, various guitars and keyboard. Fortunately for us, he now lives in Sámara. You can email him for performance information at
He recently brought other exceptional musicians to Lo Que Hay on the beach where guests were treated to an incredible evening of sitar and guitar music with some rock and blues mixed in. Go on a Tuesday for the music; you may see fire dancing and a talented Spanish group headed by vocalist/ guitarist, Miguel Pella, and vocalist/ flamenco dancer, Cristina Hausmann.
January marked the second anniversary for Lo Que Hay, where a person could now arrive at 7 for breakfast, stay through lunch, then enjoy the sunset and dinner. English dominates so it’s easy to call for info – 2656.0811. Rancho de la Playa is another good venue with a variety of live music provided by talented locals and tourists – open mike nights take place on Thursdays.
Ciclo Sámara has reopened (yay!) and Armando once again provides same day service from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. six days a week, closed on Sundays. He keeps a good stock of parts like inner tubes, tires, sprockets, brake pads, etc. so people can get rolling again. He does on-the-spot repairs when needed.
Ask him to clean and grease your bike regularly so that parts last longer, and with luck you won’t need any urgent repairs or a new bike. But if you must purchase another one, Armando might sell one of his rental bikes. From the center, ride one or two minutes past the bank, turn right just after the bridge; the shop is in the right hand corner next to the car wash.