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Monthly Archives: August, 2012

Sierpe aspires to more than Osa’s doorstep

But can the sleepy river town cash in on authenticity?

Graffiti teacher gives lessons in art, life

Isaias Crow came from San Diego to Costa Rica to lead discussions on graffiti and self-expression. He did more than that.

Grim reality explored in “Calladito más bonito”

Six characters suffer in silence to avoid societal judgment.

DNA tests vindicate ‘Comandante Cero’

Edén Pastora said the paternity test clamor was part of a smear campaign by political adversaries.

U.S. drug czar: Legalization is ‘wrong’

If the U.S. is going to solve its problem with illicit drugs, it's not going to be through legalization, says R. Gil Kerlikowske, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.

Progress reported on dengue vaccine

The first trials in humans proved the vaccine was safe.

Yellowfin tuna: Costa Rica’s blood diamond

Is the benefit worth the ecological cost?

Thousands head home after flooding recedes

Three consecutive days of rain last weekend totaled more precipitation than the rest of the month of July, according to meteorologists.

For romeros, a long, humble trek

Millions of pilgrims trekked this week to the majestic Basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles in the old colonial capital of Cartago.

U.S. Women’s Soccer to play Ticas

Friendly match in Rochester, New York, on September. 1.

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