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Monthly Archives: February, 2010

Buy, Sell With Online and Print Resources

Searching for real estate listings? If you sell a property through a given real estate company, your listing will be featured on its Web...

Marina Papagayo Opens Costa Rica to Mega Yachts

Set at the end dateline of miles of dirt roads and absent of modern amenities, the rustic beach towns of the northwestern province of...

Real Estate Market Begins Cautious Rebound; Agents Express Guarded Optimism

It might be a tad premature for the Costa Rican real estate market to proclaim loudly, “We’re back, baby!” But after nearly two years...

El Castillo Mastate: Treetop Living Defined

Shawna and K.C. Rudy are really living the high life these days. While the world is still reeling from the economic crisis, the Rudys...

Clinton joins foreign ministers in Costa Rica to discuss economic opportunity

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Costa Rica Wednesday evening to participate in the third Pathways to Prosperity summit of foreign ministers. It´s...

Costa RIca’s Arenal Volcano acting up

An eruption at Volcan Arenal, a volcano in north-central Costa Rica, caused small fires and avalanches on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. According to the...

Costa Rica’s basketball season tips off

Costa Rica´s premier basketball league tipped off Tuesday night, as all eight national teams were in action for the first round of the Torneo...

President-elect Chinchilla names campaign chief to be foreign minister

President-elect Laura Chinchilla gave the country its first glimpse into her cabinet Tuesday, when she named campaign manager René Castro to head the Foreign...

Chinchilla presents economic ideas to Chamber of Commerce

In her first appearance at the Costa Rican Chamber of Commerce since being elected president of the nation on Feb. 7, Laura Chinchilla and...

Debate opens over law to promote culture and the arts

Just as industries across the board scramble for bits of the government´s shrunken public coffers, artists are fighting for their slice of the pie,...

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