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Monthly Archives: February, 2010

Elections Up In the Air

If recent history can tell us anything about elections in Costa Rica, it’s that there’s no telling who will be the victor until the ballots...

Costa Rica closes free-trade deal with China

Costa Rican coffee would enter China's market tariff-free as part of a host of deals reached Wednesday at the close of the sixth and...

Guatemalan women take up arms amid climate of insecurity

The climate of insecurity in Guatemala is forcing women to arm themselves to protect themselves and their families, the Central American nation's state newspaper,...

NASA’s Costa Rica radar trip winds up

A three-week-long NASA topography and land change study in Costa Rica and throughout Central America comes to a close Thursday. While images won't be ready...

Half of ballots in Costa Rica election to be recounted

Elections officials announced Tuesday that they will be manually recounting at least half of the votes in Sunday´s presidential election after finding discrepancies in...

Region’s leaders applaud Costa Rica vote

The election of Costa Rica´s first female president has been a cause for applause in the region, stirring some nations to wonder when they...

Agro institute: Invest in Haitian farming

The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture´s (IICA) general director, Víctor Villalobos, called on the international community on Tuesday to invest in a post-earthquake...

Costa Rica could strike free-trade deal with China by Wednesday

The Chinese Vice Minister of Trade Yi Xioazhun said he has a special wish for the Chinese New Year, which will be celebrated Saturday,...

Diverse congress awaits Chinchilla after May 8

Laura Chinchilla may have enjoyed a wide margin in Sunday´s election, but she faces a divided Legislative Assembly when she steps into office on...

Bottlenecking on new Caldera highway prompts rethink

Costa Rica´s National Concessions Council (CNC) could modify the toll system on the new San José-Caldera highway, but said they will need one month...

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