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Monthly Archives: September, 2006

Police Step in to End Port Protests

In the dark of night, the government sent hundreds of National Police to intervene early yesterday morning in a costly slow-motion port worker protest...

Sugarcane Fires Ignite Debate

Burning sugarcane: a regulated, necessary practice that protects workers and facilitates the harvest of a staple crop, or an environmental and public health hazard? This...

Immigration in Disarray

Foreigners in line at Immigration swap stories about the problem-ridden bureaucracy as if they were war tales. The man who started shaking in fury...

Tico Surf Team Selected for World Surfing Games

The top surfers from Costa Rica have been selected to compete at the World Surfing Games in Huntington Beach, California, Oct. 14-22, according to...

Guatemalans Distrust Cops, Believe in Gangster Rehab

GUATEMALA CITY – A majority of Guatemalans distrust police and believe that members of youth gangs can be rehabilitated if they are given the...

Salvadoran Family Reunites 26 Years after Separation

SAN SALVADOR – The first thing Rubia Sibrian and her mother did was embrace when they were reunited 26 years after being separated because...

7 Dead as Guatemalan Gov’t Retakes Prison

GUATEMALA CITY Seven inmates died Sept. 25 as government forces occupied Guatemala s largest prison, retaking it from the drug-dealing gang that had effectively...

Successful U.S. Businessman, Pilot Remembered

He piloted a hellcat fighter plane for the U.S. navy in the Pacific during World War II. A HarvardBusinessSchool graduate, he built his own company...

Country Mourns Ex-Minister, Journalism Legend

Leaving a legacy of achievements that stretch far beyond the realm of his professional work, renowned Costa Rican journalist and former Minister Joaquín Vargas...

Feminists Hope to Spark Abortion Debate

While some Latin American countries are taking baby steps toward the decriminalization of abortion, Costa Rica offers no sign it will ever change its...

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