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Monthly Archives: September, 2006

A lo Tico’: On Costa Rican Spanish

Books, my mother used to say, are friends. Among those on my shelves that are instructive and humorous at the same time is “A...

Toward Simple Abundance: Birth of a Mini-farm

I used to dream of a simpler life in which I might have a conversation like this: What time is it? June. What do we do...

Workshop Teaches Sustainable Mini-Farming

Latin America producing all the food it  needs for its people, plus an equalamount for export – that’s the dream that brought John Jeavons...

Taste of the Middle East in Heredia

Baalbek, a town in eastern Lebanon, has been in the news recently because of the crisis in the Middle East. A striking photograph of...

Alajuela’s Casa Vieja: Típico and Authentic

For most of us, eating means more than just filling our stomachs. We look for flavor, variety and a pleasant and calm place to...

Adventures by Disney Takes Tourists on ‘Path to Pura Vida’

You don’t need a fairy godmother to grant your wish to explore Costa Rica in style and with an all-inclusive tour company. Now, you...

Fisher Couple Considers Move to C.R.

Tico Times subscribers Joe Buettner and his wife Ayn, from Virginia, ask via email if we can help them with some information for their...

Negotiation Choice Causes Dispute

A new, somewhat bizarre chapter in the story of frazzled relations between Costa Rica and Nicaragua unfolded this week, this time a regional dispute...

Harassment Scandal Rocks Congress

Sexual harassment allegations against National Liberation Party (PLN) legislator Federico Tinoco took over the San José political scene Thursday, sending party leaders scrambling to...

Bill Divides Indigenous Groups

Legislators and government officials have been heading out into Costa Rica’s rugged back country – in some cases, mounting horses and filing into helicopters...

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