LED by a surge in sales of agriculturalproducts, Costa Rican exports grew 4.2%during the first quarter of this year comparedto the same period the year before,according to the Central Bank.Export revenues during the first quarterincreased by $64.9 million, totaling $1.59billion. Exports during the same periodthe previous year generated $1.53 billion.Approximately $41.7 million of theadditional $64.9 million that were exportedwere generated by agricultural exports.Exports of the country’s three mainagricultural exports — bananas, coffeeand pineapples – increased by $10.8 million,$9.7 million and $7.6 million,respectively.ORNAMENTAL plant, melon andfoliage exports also grew, according to theForeign Trade Promotion Office (PROCOMER).In industry, medical infusion equipmentexports increased 27%, totaling $118.2million. High frequency amplifier exportsincreased 270%, totaling $22 million.Exports of some products dropped. Thiswas the case of computer microprocessors,which reported a $76.3 million(21%) drop. Exports of textiles, palm oiland parts for machines and electronicdevices also decreased.The United States, the Netherlandsand Guatemala were the top destinationsfor Costa Rican exports during the firstquarter.Exports to Germany grew by $16 million(36%) compared to the previous year.
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