THE National Theater Companyannounced the winners of its first publicproduction contest as part of itsplan to strengthen the art of theater inthe country. Costa Ricans RembertoChaves and Jimmy Ortiz were awarded¢15 million (about $31,450) lastmonth to stage a production of“Othello” by William Shakespeare.“It’s a great opportunity to begiven this money, since lack ofresources is always a problem,” Ortizsaid. “Now all that’s left to do is workhard; the actors, dancers and artisticteam are already rehearsing and workingon the play.”According to Ortiz, their proposalseeks to revisit “Othello” with singing,dancing and acting constituting differentparts of the script.A total of 31 performances of theproduction are planned Thursdaysthrough Sundays starting Oct. 7, at LaAduana Theater (257-8305) in San José.
Today in Costa Rica