THE Universidad Nacional (UNA)enjoyed the fruits of lengthy constructionefforts this week as it inaugurated twonew buildings at its Omar Dengo campusin Heredia, northwest of San José.The new facilities, which cost $18million, include a Social Sciences building(7,600 square meters) and aPhilosophy and Literature building (7,300square meters), according to a statementfrom the university.Each has 32 classrooms equipped withfiberoptic and multimedia capabilities,and is surrounded by gardens.The social sciences building willserve 2,221 students and 243 faculty andstaff members, while the humanitiesbuilding will serve 2,900 students and 190faculty and staff.The buildings, funded through the university’sInstitutional StrengtheningProgram with the Central American Bankfor Economic Integration (CABEI), wereinaugurated yesterday.
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