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ocean temperatures

Whales under threat as climate change impacts migration

The sight of thousands of whales surfacing, jumping and playing off the coast of South America as they migrate toward their breeding grounds is...

Hundreds of whales found dead in Chile

More than 300 whales have been found washed up in a remote inlet in Patagonia in southern Chile in one of the largest die-offs on record, researchers said Tuesday.

Some scientists worried about surprisingly cold ‘blob’ in the North Atlantic Ocean

If the trend continues, there could be many consequences, including rising seas for the U.S. East Coast and, possibly, a difference in temperature overall in the North Atlantic and Europe.

Greenhouse gases that fuel global warming hit record highs in 2014: report

The planet's surface temperature reached its hottest point in 135 years, international researchers said Thursday. In Latin America, Mexico had its warmest year on record, while Argentina and Uruguay each had their second warmest year on record.

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