MARGAYS, tapirs, monkeys, parrotsand turtles are the subjects of this charming126-page book about the Monteverdecloud forest, in the north-central region ofthe country. The stories...
“POETRY improves people’s lives,”said Amalia Chaverri, vice-minister of culture.“Last year was a difficult time forCosta Ricans, but poetry allows people toexpress their thoughts and...
DESPITE its title as the “NationalFolkloric City,” an immediate glancearound the historic town of Santa Cruz, inthe northwestern province of Guanacaste,reveals few things folkloric...
TAMARINDO, Guanacaste – As unpaved roadskick up dust next to partially built four-story condominiumbuildings and new shopping malls, it can behard to tell where...
THE U.S.-based Gordon and Betty MooreFoundation will donate $8 million to help Costa Rica’sfinancially strained national park system combat poachingand illegal logging on the...
EMERGENCY officials in Escazú, west of SanJosé, are warning residents and hikers in the protectedhills above the town that more big mudslides arepossible during...
BUYING a house or business locationjust isn’t an option for many foreignresidents, let alone Ticos. Renting helpsspread the financial load and providesflexibility. Foreigners have...
THE roadblocks that paralyzed the country for twodays this week affected almost every area of commerceand tourism, causing million-dollar losses throughoutCosta Rica and Nicaragua.Crates...
RINCÓN, Osa Peninsula – Rare arethose who drive down a scenic road withincredible views and lush forests withoutat least once daydreaming about runningaway from...
Costa Rica is confronting an escalating security crisis as murders climb year after year, with contract killings increasingly shattering the nation’s reputation for peace....
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) assessed human rights conditions in Costa Rica through a public hearing, where several organizations shared their perspectives...