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Tico Times

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‘Don’t play with guns,’ Costa Rica’s police tell schoolchildren

Members of the National Police, the Justice Ministry and an anti-violence group are organizing toy gun exchanges ahead of the holidays to help fight violence in at-risk communities.

The end of retirement?

What is the future that today's septuagenarians face as they come to the end of their working lives?

Remembering Jonestown

U.S. congressman Leo Ryan, a defector named Patricia Parks, and three journalists – NBC reporter Don Harris, NBC photographer Bob Brown, and San Francisco Examiner photographer Greg Robinson – were killed. This happened around 5:20 p.m. Twenty minutes earlier, the settlers had begun taking poison back in Jonestown.

Five more arrested in $45 mn ‘cyber heist’

The heist is known in criminal circles as an "unlimited operation." Two were allegedly carried out: first on Dec. 22 last year and again on Feb. 19 and 20 this year.

Ticos increasingly worried about crime, report says

One in five Costa Ricans said organized crime and drug trafficking are a major threat to public safety.

Guards get 5 years for attempted murder during Costa Rica wedding of Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady

The two bodyguards opened fire on two photographers taking pictures of the wedding celebration from a neighbor's yard.

What to plant in November

Hint: the hardy green will thrive.

Are Nicaraguans working in Costa Rica more generous than those in the United States?

Nicas working abroad sent home a total of $1 billion in 2012, and 43 percent of it came from Costa Rica, according to the World Bank. The Nicaraguan Central Bank begs to differ.

Dolphin virus turns up in four dead whales in US

The die-off of bottlenose dolphins continues at an unprecedented pace, as between July 1 and Sunday, 782 have died.

CIA collecting records of money transfers

The New York Times said several officials say other mass collection programs have yet to come to light.

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