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Tico Times

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Costa Rica, Mexico Hope to Reform U.N. Security Council

MEXICO (AFP) – Mexican president Vicente Fox and his Costa Rican counterpart Abel Pacheco have issued a statement saying they believe it necessary to...

School Staffs Directed To Search Student Bags

EDUCATION Minister Manuel Bolaños on Wednesday introduced new guidelines encouraging school administrators to search the bags of students suspected of possessing drugs or weapons. A...

Rain Breaks 40-Year Record

BUCKETS of rain threatened to wash the summer out of San José on Monday afternoon. The first torrential shower of the year came much earlier...

Oscar Arias Confirms Reelection Bid

FORMER President and Nobel Peace Laureate Oscar Arias (1986-1990) this week formally confirmed his intent to run for a second term as president in...

Governments Discuss Marine Life Corridor

GOVERNMENT officials from Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador and Colombia are working with the organization Conservation International and the United Nations Education, Science and Cultural...

Jungle Culture Club Roughs it with Class

MATAPALO – STIJN DE WITTE is the man responsible for exposing whole villages of deep jungle hunters and farmers to a Martian invasion on...

Monteverde Festival Bound to Wow Once Again

MUSIC from across the spectrum of styles that do not make the Billboard Top 40 will enlighten concert goers in Monteverde. The Monteverde Institute will...

“Mysterious Mr. Love” Is Lovely

“THERE are two kinds of people in this world -- the takers and the took,” says George Joseph Love in Karoline Leach’s “The Mysterious...

New Conductor Leads In Season Opener

THE National Symphony Orchestra and its new Artistic Director and Conductor Chosei Komatsu opens the 2004 concert season next weekend, at 8 p.m. Friday,...

What Happens When Gray Wolves Return to Yellowstone?

FOR 70 years, trees alongside the rivers in YellowstoneNational Park wouldn’t grow. Shoots sprang up but soon disappeared. Forest rangers suspected elk were eating...

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