THE Foreign Trade Promotion Office(PROCOMER) and the Costa RicanAssociation of the Plastic Industry (ACIPLAST)have a plan to promote exports ofCosta Rican plastic products to...
RITEVE SyC, the Spanish-CostaRican firm that holds a monopoly to conductthe mandatory technical inspectionsthat all Costa Rican vehicles must undergoeach year, is suing the...
IN an effort to bring more transparencyto the government, the LibertarianMovement Party has proposed a law tofacilitate public access to what theConstitution defines as...
CATHOLIC priest Minor Calvowas arrested May 27 for allegedly intimidatinga witness involved in theParmenio Medina murder case, LaNación reported.Calvo, a suspected intellectual author ofthe...
A coalition of anti-war organizationswill unite next week to symbolically removeCosta Rica from the list of countriesthat support the U.S.-led Coalitionin Iraq.Peace activists, human-rights...
THE Presidents of Costa Rica, ElSalvador, Guatemala, Honduras,Nicaragua and Panama on Tuesdaysigned an agreement pledging to supportformer Costa Rican President MiguelÁngel Rodríguez (1998-2002) in...
LAW enforcement officials made severalmoves this week in an attempt to getto the bottom of a scandal that hasenveloped the Costa Rican Social SecuritySystem...
AFTER a month and a half of negotiations,on Wednesday the LegislativeAssembly elected Álex Solís, a lawyerspecialized in Constitutional law, as thecountry’s new Comptroller General.Solís...
TWO strangers with a macheteattacked a man last week after he confrontedthem about stealing turtle eggs in Barrade Matina, about 25 kilometers north of...
FORMER Labor Minister VíctorMorales (1998-2002) on Wednesdayannounced his intention to run forPresident during the 2006 Presidentialelections as a candidate of the rulingSocial Christian Unity...