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Tico Times

36879 POSTS

Plastic Industry Eyes Region’s Markets

THE Foreign Trade Promotion Office(PROCOMER) and the Costa RicanAssociation of the Plastic Industry (ACIPLAST)have a plan to promote exports ofCosta Rican plastic products to...

Riteve Sues Country for $3.5 Million in Losses

RITEVE SyC, the Spanish-CostaRican firm that holds a monopoly to conductthe mandatory technical inspectionsthat all Costa Rican vehicles must undergoeach year, is suing the...

Libertarians Call for Public Access Laws

IN an effort to bring more transparencyto the government, the LibertarianMovement Party has proposed a law tofacilitate public access to what theConstitution defines as...

Priest Re-Arrested In Murder Case

CATHOLIC priest Minor Calvowas arrested May 27 for allegedly intimidatinga witness involved in theParmenio Medina murder case, LaNación reported.Calvo, a suspected intellectual author ofthe...

Groups Decry War Support

A coalition of anti-war organizationswill unite next week to symbolically removeCosta Rica from the list of countriesthat support the U.S.-led Coalitionin Iraq.Peace activists, human-rights...

Tico Candidate to be Elected OAS Leader

THE Presidents of Costa Rica, ElSalvador, Guatemala, Honduras,Nicaragua and Panama on Tuesdaysigned an agreement pledging to supportformer Costa Rican President MiguelÁngel Rodríguez (1998-2002) in...

Judge Suspends Nine Caja Officials

LAW enforcement officials made severalmoves this week in an attempt to getto the bottom of a scandal that hasenveloped the Costa Rican Social SecuritySystem...

Legislative Assembly Names New Comptroller General

AFTER a month and a half of negotiations,on Wednesday the LegislativeAssembly elected Álex Solís, a lawyerspecialized in Constitutional law, as thecountry’s new Comptroller General.Solís...

Man Attacked Over Turtle Eggs

TWO strangers with a macheteattacked a man last week after he confrontedthem about stealing turtle eggs in Barrade Matina, about 25 kilometers north of...

Former Labor Minister Announces Presidential Bid

FORMER Labor Minister VíctorMorales (1998-2002) on Wednesdayannounced his intention to run forPresident during the 2006 Presidentialelections as a candidate of the rulingSocial Christian Unity...

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