SAN SALVADOR (EFE) – The governmentof El Salvador said recoverycosts following Tropical Storm Stan andthe eruption of the Santa Ana Volcanototal $355.6 million.Presidential secretary Eduardo Zablahsaid Saturday that the damage assessmentwas carried out by the EconomicCommission for Latin America and theCaribbean (ECLAC).Tropical Storm Stan, which struck ElSalvador in the first week of October, left69 dead, while the eruption of the SantaAna Volcano, located 50 kilometers fromthe capital, killed two people.Together, they forced thousands toevacuate and left dozens of familieshomeless.ECLAC said social-sector damagestotaled $149.48 million, while damage toinfrastructure and the productive sectorwas $113.53 million and $56 million,respectively.