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Monthly Archives: September, 2008

Casa Alfi Offers Good Service, Affordability in Downtown San José

Downtown San José’s Casa Alfi Hotel may not be plush, but this affordable boutique lodging offers strong service, a comfortable bed and a quality...

Tormented Artist Gets ‘Discovered’ in Granada

He finally found them, hidden beneath the stairs. Self-taught painter Jean-Marc Calvet was certain he had found the dwarves’ hideout, the ones that had been...

Granada Language School Teaches English to 24 Cops

With the end goal of improving citizen security and tourist services in this colonial city by the lake, 24 officers of the National Police...

Cultural Icon Says Fine is Political Revenge

MANAGUA – At the risk of jail time, revolutionary priest Ernesto Cardenal says he refuses to pay a $1,000 fine handed down last week...

Bilwi to Get International Airport by May 2009

The government reported this week on its Webpage “El Pueblo Presidente” that work has started on a $25 million project to expand and modernize...

Double Talk Confuses Foreign Policy

MATAGALPA – With words of warning to not interfere in Nicaragua’s “democratic process,” President Daniel Ortega last week presented new U.S. Ambassador Robert J....

Hip-Hop Helps Youth Stay on Beat

Brooklyn-born rapper George “Rithm” Martínez and Jelani Yeboah, or “DJ Smash,” toured some of the more depressed barrios of Nicaragua last week in an...

Ortega Gets Negative Marks After 19 Months

Some 58 percent of the population says it “doesn’t support” the government of President Daniel Ortega, while 36 percent say they still give Ortega...

Canadian Firm Strikes Oil in Western Nicaragua

MANAGUA – A Canadian energy company expects to pump some 5,000 barrels of petroleum from a well in western Nicaragua in the next two...

Budget to Boost Learning

Spending on education, health care and the environment would all increase next year if a budget proposed this week by President Oscar Arias is...

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