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Monthly Archives: March, 2008

Let Us Nicaraguans Worry about Ortega

Dear Nica Times: Regarding Nica Times article “Sergio Ramírez: Ortega is Here to Stay” (NT, Feb. 15). This is the news that is spreading around...

Tico Perspective is Good Advice for Nicaragua, Too

Dear Nica Times: Today while reading the Nica and Tico Times, I was drawn to the Perspective written by Curtis Clemenson “Seven Steps to Cleaning...

13 European Tourists Robbed at Tikal Ruins

GUATEMALA CITY – Masked men armed with machetes, rifles and shotguns robbed 13 European tourists who were visiting northern Guatemala’s TikalArchaeologicalPark, but no one...

School Helps Integrate Special Needs Students

After spending several years perched precariously on the rickety porch of a dilapidated building on the corner of Granada’s Calle Corrales, the Association of...

53 Die When Bus Plunges Off Cliff in Guatemala

GUATEMALA CITY – A bus accident in southeastern Guatemala left a total of 53 dead and 25 injured, authorities said in an official report...

Honduras Announces All Women’s Bus Route

TEGUCIGALPA – The Tegucigalpa Mayor’s Office this month will open two urban bus routes exclusively for women to guarantee them greater security, a local...

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