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HomeArchiveDutch Tourist Dies During Rafting Trip

Dutch Tourist Dies During Rafting Trip

A 55-year-old tourist from Holland,identified as Hank Sloot Beeks, diedSunday during a rafting trip on theSarapiquí River in north-central CostaRica.The cause of death has not yet beenestablished, although police are investigatingwhether he hit his head againstrocks as the raft overturned or possiblydied of a heart attack. The JudicialInvestigation Police (OIJ) told The TicoTimes the autopsy report should bereleased next week.Alberto Quintana, director of PozoAzul, the rafting company that organizedthe trip, said the company took all necessaryprecautions and that conditions forrafting on the relatively calm river werevery good.“It is very strange. Six people were inthe boat with an experienced guide andsafety equipment. The boat overturned incalm water just after they passed somerapids, which is fairly normal in rafting.Everyone was rescued but when Mr.Beeks was pulled from the water, he wasdead,” Quintana said.


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