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HomeArchiveTechnology Ministry Attacks Viruses

Technology Ministry Attacks Viruses

IN an effort to keep the country technologicallyhealthy, the Science andTechnology Ministry has announced acampaign called “Costa Rica Free ofViruses.”The two-week campaign, whichbegan last week, aims to ensure computerowners and users take all the availableprecautions against the threat of viruses,which are rogue computer programs thatspread through the Internet and e-mailand destroy hard-drive content and operatingsystems, among other things.This year, the number of virus threatshitting computers will quadruple, onaverage attacking every four and a halfdays, according to the ministry. E-mailcontinues to be the favorite method usedby hackers and virus creators. Seventypercent of all e-mails are unwanted, theministry estimates.Although no program is 100% effectiveagainst viruses, the ministry is encouragingthe use of anti-virus programs.The campaign includes workshops atpublic and private universities around thecountry through Nov. 23, information anddisinfecting programs available, andphone support available at 290-2146.In addition, computer owners canhave their computers checked and disinfected,and receive a free three-monthanti-virus program at the Virus FreeFestival.The festival is scheduled for tomorrow,8:30 a.m.- noon at the Science andTechnology Ministry in the FranklinChang Building in Pavas, in western SanJosé, and from 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. atUniversidad Latina in San Pedro, east ofSan José.


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