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HomeArchiveFishing in Golfito Spectacular

Fishing in Golfito Spectacular

ACCORDINGto Dar Randall,Golfito had a spectacularshowing ofbig tuna last week.Randall said Capt.Andy Moyes, fishingout of Golfito, inthe southern Pacific,found a school ofspinner dolphinworking a baitschool offshore inthe afternoon, nearly always a harbingerof tuna feeding on the bait from below.Moyes rigged for tuna, and workingaround the bait school had non-stopaction for four hours that produced 17tuna – including yellowfin that weighedin at 250 pounds, three estimated atbetween 125-175 pounds, and about adozen more than 45 pounds.In Quepos, on the central Pacificcoast, High Tec Sportfishing reported thebest fishing in months, with RussRobinson and a group of four high schoolstudents from South Carolina aboard theboat Alboran releasing 15 sails and a pairof dorado on a one-day trip last week.High Tec also reported that GeorgeDederer, on the Coco Wahoo last week,had six sailfish releases and a couple ofdorado. He was back at the pier by 1:45p.m., apparently too exhausted to keephumping in fish for the rest of the day.There was similar action north ofthere, where Julie Kieldsen, at LosSueños Marina, said Florida anglers MattCunningham, Eric Allen, E.J.Daminato, Joe Cagnina and KarlJohnson went seven sails for 10 raised,working 22 miles south west of the marina.The highlight of their trip was a 500-pound black marlin that crashed a 30-pound rod set-up for sailfish, and broughtto the boat for release after an hour-longbattle and a dance across the waves as thefish jumped 10 or more times.Still getting a steady bite north, withmore marlin than usual mixed in thecatch, averaging five or six sail releases aday.Rick Wallace reported from OcotalResort that the blue water is now solidinside, although still pretty green aroundthe Bat Islands.There was sporadic rain at LakeArenal last week with high water, but veteranfishing guide Tercio Hidalgo saidthey were catching fish, with smallerguapote taking spinner baits along theshoreline and picking up some bigger fishtrolling deep.Could not find anyone fishing on theCaribbean last week, but reports fromBarra Colorado say there has been a lot ofrain off and on.For more info on fishing or assistancein planning a trip to Costa Rica,contact Jerry at or visit www.costaricaoutdoors.comSkippers, operators and anglers areinvited to e-mail or call Jerry with fishingreports by Wednesday of each week. Callor fax: 282-6743 if calling from CostaRica, or through the e-mail address above.

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