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China Harbour Engeenering Company

Route 32 expansion project receives environmental permits

Construction associated with the $495 million contract to expand Route 32 between San José and Limón is slated to begin during the second half of 2017.

Comptroller General’s Office approves contract to expand Route 32

The expansion from two to four lanes a 107-kilometer stretch of Route 32, the main road to the Caribbean region, is finally moving forward after the Comptroller General’s Office approved the project’s contract.

Chinese contractor says cost of expanding Route 32 could rise

Prior to the project’s approval by the Legislative Assembly in February various professional and business groups warned that changes to the project would be needed and that those changes would inflate the price tag.

Lawmakers approve Chinese loan for expanding Route 32 to the Caribbean

The loan comes with the condition that the project be developed entirely by a Chinese firm using only Chinese workers.

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