SAN SALVADOR (EFE) –Salvadoran firms will be allowed to takepart in business contracts related to thereconstruction of Iraq with the help andadvice of the U.S. government.The Salvadoran Ministry of theEconomy last week announced two seminarsfor local businessmen interested indoing business in Iraq.Economy Minister Yolanda de Gavidiasaid that Salvadoran companies will be ableto offer their products or services after participatingin the seminars, which will beheld next week in the capital.The seminars will be offered by agroup of U.S. Defense Department officialswho will discuss business opportunitiesin specific areas of the MiddleEastern country’s reconstruction, alongwith the necessary procedures firms mustfollow to do business there.El Salvador is the only LatinAmerican nation to have troops stationedin Iraq. The first contingent of 360 soldierswas deployed there in August 2003to spend six months aiding in reconstructionefforts.Currently, the fifth Salvadoran contingent,numbering 378 troops, is serving inIraq and is scheduled to return to ElSalvador in February 2006.Two Salvadoran soldiers have beenkilled while serving in the Middle Easterncountry.
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