FUNERAL services were heldWednesday for Legislative Assemblymember and former teacher Nury Garita,of the National Liberation Party (PLN),who died Tuesday of a heart attack.Assembly president Gerardo Gonzálezcalled a general meeting to “define whatthe Assembly can organize to pay justhomage to our colleague,” the assemblysaid in a statement.Funeral services were held in Cartago,her place of residence and the city sherepresented as a legislator.When assembly members learned ofher death Tuesday afternoon, a motionwas immediately approved to observe amoment of silence on the floor of theassembly in honor of Garita. A secondmotion suspended all legislative sessionsfor the following day, Wednesday.Garita graduated from the CostaRican Normal School and received aneducation degree from the University ofCosta Rica. She taught and served asprincipal in various schools throughoutthe province of Cartago, according to thestatement.A longtime leader within the LiberationParty, Garita was elected to the LegislativeAssembly in February 2002 and served asvice-president of the party in the assembly.She participated in the commission chargedwith discussing the fiscal plan and theFinance Commission, among others.While Garita suffered from liver cancer,a disease that prevented her fromattending sessions for the past five months,a heart attack was the immediate cause ofdeath, according to the daily Al Día.This is the fifth time a legislator hasdied while in office, the daily reported.Garita will be replaced in the assembly byDaysi Serrano.
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