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Friday, February 14, 2025

CD Benefits Corcovado

“Dejando Huellas” is a compilationcompact disk which allows listeners of traditionalCosta Rican rhythms to save jaguars,tapirs and macaws at the same time.The newly released CD is available withevery $20 donation to the CorcovadoFoundation, thanks to Horizontes NatureTours and Papaya Music. The CD, featuringreggae, nature-inspired and traditionalmusic, is the result of Horizontes’ desire totop its recent $20,000 donation to the foundation(TT, March 19) and also supportlocal musicians.“Music is a good way to promote thecontemporary culture of Costa Rica,” saidGeorge Soriano, Horizontes marketingdirector.Soriano estimates that the effort hasraised more than $1,000.Horizontes originally offered the CDonly at EXPOTUR – a tourism fair heldMay 24-28, but the level of demand ledthem to offer limited copies through thefoundation. Two lodges on the OsaPeninsula – Lapa Rios and Casa Corcovado– are selling the CD in their gift shops.“We are very happy and very gratefulthey are doing this,” said Mauricio Sanchez,project manager of the CorcovadoFoundation.Horizontes has long-lasting ties with thefoundation – Corcovado National Park wasthe first area of the country Horizontes promotedwhen it entered the tourism business20 years ago. The park’s current problemsdisturb Horizontes’ owners.Horizontes specializes in eco-tourism,seeking to appreciate natural wonders withoutharming them. Soriano explainsHorizontes wants to take it a step furtherand actively support conservation efforts.“The national parks are in crisis, and wedepend on their well-being,” Soriano said.The private sector has “a role to play – it’snot just the job of the NGOs [Non-Governmental Organizations] and the government.”Corcovado National Park is increasinglybesieged by poachers, and scientists fearthat the jaguar and white-lipped peccarymay vanish from the park within the year(TT, March 19).Similarly endangered, according toSoriano, are Costa Rica’s native musicalstyles. Horizontes is proud to have developeda relationship with Papaya, a smalllabel that promotes local musicians such asManuel Obregón and Miriam Jarquín, featuredon “Dejando Huellas.”“We’ve been giving their CDs to customersfor years,” Soriano said. This interestprogressed from background music atcompany parties to “Dejando Huellas” asHorizontes realized that while the ecotourismindustry strengthened, the nationalparks were weakening.For a company that espouses the importanceof environmentally friendly loggingpractices, eco-OK coffee, and sustainabletourism certification, social responsibilityseems only natural. Soriano asserts thatHorizontes will continue to set an examplefor businesses.“If it’s going to help Corcovado, we’lldo it,” he said.To receive a copy of “Dejando Huellas,”contact Mauricio Sánchez at 297-3013 or The CD is alsoavailable at the gift shops of Lapa Rios at735-5130 and Casa Corcovado at 256-3181.


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