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HomeArchiveHoly Week Events Planned by English-Language Churches

Holy Week Events Planned by English-Language Churches

SERVICES ranging from PalmSunday to Easter are scheduled for HolyWeek by the Escazú Christian Fellowship(ECF), an international, interdenominationalEnglish-language churchserving residents in the San José metropolitanarea.The week will begin with a PalmSunday service at 5 p.m. on March 20.On Maundy Thursday, March 24, at 7p.m., church members will participate ina foot-washing service at the home of achurch member. The service commemoratesthe act of Jesus washing his disciples’feet as a sign of ministry and love.The Good Friday service will be celebratedcooperatively with InternationalBaptist Church (IBC) at 6 p.m. on March25. This event remembers the death ofChrist on the cross and will involve aunique observance through the use of atactile Communion service.On Easter Sunday, at 7 a.m., ECF andIBC will unite again to sponsor a communitysunrise service featuring specialseasonal music, a messianic dance group,meditations on the crucifixion and resurrectionof Jesus Christ, a brunch and anEaster egg hunt.ECF will also hold its regular weeklyservice at 5 p.m. on Easter Sunday.Open to the public, all events exceptthe Maundy Thursday service will beheld at the IBC facility in Escazú, justnorth of the Guachipelín exit on the SantaAna highway. For more information, call395-9653.

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