Last week we shared some videos of our team telling you what we’ll do in the upcoming four years with the change of the new government and the newly elect president Carlos Alvarado. We asked our readers to tell us what they want to for the Costa Rica for the next four years. Here’s what they told us.
Juan Carlos Chavarría

Juan Carlos is a Costa Rican artist and works weekly with the NGOs SIFAIS, with people from La Carpio, and Transformación en Tiempos Violentos, with inmates from La Reforma and Puesto 10 prisons. He wants to continue working for a united Costa Rica in which everyone is included.
“I want to keep fighting with a lot of dedication, steadfastness and love for the personal and social transformation we promote to create a giant social tissue that integrates everyone. The transformation we visualize is only achieved by working together.”
Kevin Aguilar

Kevin is a Costa Rican journalism student at the Universidad Latina in San Pedro. He’s from Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, and his vision for the following four years is to help the country as a journalist.
“What do I want to do during the next four years? I want to fulfill the duty of a journalist by investigating in search of the truth, helping society to be informed so that the citizen knows how to make intelligent decisions, and finally, contribute the cultural level of our people.”
Iris Lam Chen

Iris is a Costa Rican cultural manager focusing on promoting the arts as a means to create social change and helping boosting the country’s cultural sector.
“I want to promote the arts and culture as social, human and spiritual mobilizers through study and cultural management of the dynamics of the artistic scene, in search of solutions to the gaps and barriers in the development of the arts.”
Ulillo Rivera

Ulillo is a Costa Rican artist who works as a graphic designer and creates street art throughout different parts of the country. He wants to continue creating art by using it as a tool to unite people.
“I want to create, believe and grow as a human being and artist. To be able to contribute as much as I can as well as being able to create more in the artistic community without gender, tools or manifestation limits.”
María Gabriela Alvarado

María Gabriela is a Costa Rican doctor and anthropologist who has spent time working in various isolated parts of the country. Her latest work has focused on helping the Gnöbe Buglé indigenous community with sex education. For the next four years she has a more personal goal.
“I want to keep studying and learning, and have more patience when things don’t move at the speed I’d want them to.”
Daniela Sasso

Daniela works both as a marketing manager and within her own fashion business called Lila Design.
“I want to keep preparing myself to move forward my entrepreneurship with a social focus, to be able to provide job opportunities to marginalized communities.”
German Rojas Sancho

German is a Costa Rican teacher at the Universidad Latina in San Pedro who seeks to continue teaching his students passionately in order to prepare them for the working world.
“I’ll continue preparing future professionals in order for them to be people of good.”
Cristhian González Gómez

Cristhian is an indigenous man from the Boruca territory in Puntarenas. He worked at Casa Presidencial with former President Luis Guillermo Solís on indigenous topics.
“I want to keep fighting for the rights of the indigenous people.”