ENTHUSIASM for the National Lyrical Company’s upcoming presentation of“Madama Butterfly” is rapidly growing. Conducted by National Symphony DirectorChosei Komatsu, the opera opens July 29, with nine performances scheduled at theNational Theater.A prestigious group of soloists and production personnel from Japan, the UnitedStates and Costa Rica will join forces with the National Symphony, National Choir,and National Theater in a mutually supportive effort to bring the best of opera to thecountry.Though the National Lyrical Company is a government organization, it relies heavilyon the generosity of sponsors for its annual opera presentation. The government providesno direct financing for the opera performances, and ticket sales cover only half thecost of production.Support such as that received at the highly successful Opera Gala FundraisingDinner held last year is crucial to the survival of quality opera in the country. A similargala event is planned for June 23, and promises an even more spectacular evening in celebrationof “Madama Butterfly.” According to the organizing committee, the programwill include delicious food, a festive atmosphere and top-notch entertainment, withmusical presentations by leading members of the cast.For information and tickets, or to make a donation, contact Kathryn de Tanzi by emailat ktanzi@mac.com or by telephone at 381-7747.