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San Jose
Saturday, February 15, 2025

Birthday Boy

BRINGING Cheer: Just days before his third birthday, a bus hitBrandon Matarrita when he tried to cross the street in his neighborhood,Los Guido de Desamparados, south of San José, April6. He was released two days later from intensive care at theNational Children’s Hospital after losing his right leg, and heremains in the hospital. A group of medical students from theSan Judas Tadeo University visited Matarrita on his birthday,April 13, to give him presents. The students are completing theircommunity-service graduation requirement with Food for theHungry Costa Rica (FHICR), a branch of the internationalChristian aid group. From left, student Thomas Rodríguez,Matarrita’s mother Estela Ojeda, Matarrita, student JavieraBrenes, French FHICR volunteer Geraldine Viala, FHICR missionaryand Child Development Program Coordinator Young Go,and students Estrella Masís, Francisco Torres and KenlyFuentes.


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