TEGUCIGALPA (EFE) – Governmentagents on March 20 arrested two Honduranssuspected of working with the RevolutionaryArmed Forces of Colombia (FARC),the hemisphere’s oldest guerrilla group.Gregorio Reyes, 33, and DianaMontoya, 36, were arrested in operationsin two different cities, confirmed DorisAguilar, the special prosecutor againstorganized crime.The prosecutor said Reyes was arrestedduring a police operation in the northerncity of San Pedro Sula, while Montoyawas nabbed in Tegucigalpa.Authorities also placed AntonioRodríguez, another suspected Honduranmember of the Colombian guerrillagroup’s network who is serving a sentencefor drug trafficking at the Comayaguaprison farm, under special monitoring.“Based on the investigation, the men aremembers of a network that, along with otherforeign citizens, carried out negotiations andprovided weapons to the FARC in exchangefor drugs,” the prosecutor said.The network allegedly had contacts inGuatemala, Nicaragua and Colombia.Aguilar said Reyes posed as a lawyer,but the Honduran Bar Association confirmedhe was not an attorney.Montoya was allegedly in charge ofarms-for-drugs deals in Honduras and isconsidered a “key piece” in the investigation,the prosecutor said.Aguilar said Rodríguez had maintainedcontact with people in Colombia frominside jail.The three will be charged with criminalconspiracy, arms trafficking and variousdrug crimes.Security Minister Oscar Alvarez qualifiedthe operation as “a total success” forColombia and Honduras in the war onarms and drugs.