One Year AgoNine domestic violence-relatedslayings in January moved the governmentto create a special commissionwith representatives from eight governmentagencies to tackle the problem.The owners of a controversialopen-pit gold mine in Montes de Oro,in the province of Puntarenas, movedahead with the project despite theobjections of community groups andenvironmentalists – including CostaRica’s Environment Minister – aboutthe use of cyanide at the site.10 Years AgoCanadian Prime Minister JeanChrétien arrived in Costa Rica for a 24-hour stay to meet with President JoséMaría Figueres and other CentralAmerican heads of state.The third child to undergo a hearttransplant in Costa Rica, DayanaCastillo, 7, was in stable condition atthe National Children’s Hospital afterher surgery on Jan. 20.30 Years AgoThe Tico Times gathered a randomsample of public opinion regarding astatement by Monseñor Román Arrieta,Bishop of Tilarán, Guanacaste, callingfor restrictions on the sale of land toforeigners. Most Costa Ricans wantedthese restrictions, but few would go sofar as to call for outright elimination ofsuch sales.A 23-year old Sandinista, describedby The Tico Times as part of “a terroristgroup opposed to the Somozaregime in Nicaragua,” was grantedtemporary asylum by Costa Rican officialsin Managua.(Compiled by María Gabriela Díazfrom The Tico Times archives.)
Today in Costa Rica