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HomeArchivePermit III Tops Presidential Challenge

Permit III Tops Presidential Challenge

FLORIDA anglerScott Rickertcaught a blue marlin,a striped marlin anda sailfish aboard theFlamingo II withskipper GeneWatson on the secondday of thePresidential ChallengeTournamentlast week – the firstGrand Slam ever reported in the competition,which also includes annual tournamentsin Panama and Guatemala.This year’s event was held at OcotalResort.Rickert was top angler for the June 27,28 and 29 event, but despite Rickert’sunprecedented slam, his three-man team“Rip, Roaring & Ready,” which includesJames Cambridge and Peter Schroeder,finished in third place, according to tournamentdirector Joan Vernon.Team USA led by Bill Easum andteammates Dale Siddall and ToddWeatherly held their first-day lead (asreported in this column last week) to winthe tournament, trailed by the Guatemalanteam Picapleitos, with Margie Adams,Vernon and Henry Riggs-Miller, whofinished second.All three teams scored 1,200 points.The winners were decided by which teamaccrued its score earliest in the competition.In the compteition, sailfish scored 100points and marlin 200 points.The top boat went to the Permit III,with Capt. Chepe Santana, at 1,500points. It was trailed by RichardChellemi’s Gamefisher II in second with1,300.The Flamingo II came in third placewith 1,200 points with Capt. Watson atthe helm.Vernon said sailfish were not as abundantthis year as in the past, but the redtide, which has plagued anglers up anddown the coast, was no longer evident.That indicates some good fishingcoming up over the next couple ofmonths.For more info on the tournament, andupcoming events, see the Web site did not get a single call or e-mailfrom skippers or boat operators on thePacific or Caribbean last week.Since they normally let me knowwhen fishing is good, and ignore me whenit’s bad, that doesn’t bode well!For more info on fishing or assistance inplanning a trip to Costa Rica, contact Jerryat orvisit www.costaricaoutdoors.comSkippers, operators and anglers areinvited to e-mail or call Jerry with fishingreports by Wednesday of each week. Callor fax: 282-6743 if calling from CostaRica, or through the e-mail addressabove.


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