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Friday, October 18, 2024

5 top reasons to consider Costa Rica real estate

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines experience as, among other definitions:

1:  The process of living through an event or events.  You learn by experience.

2 : The skill or knowledge gained by actually doing a thing.

Because we learn by experience, we know that having a back up plan is always a good idea in order to ensure that things actually get better. Many people are wondering what to do in order to have a plan B for themselves, their families and, of course, their finances. This is where the idea of investing in International Real Estate comes to mind. But where do you think it is safe to do something like this?  How can you start the process?  Furthermore,  how do you secure title and keep your investment secure and free of headaches? After all, there are so many variables playing around in this uncharted territory. We will try, to the best of our knowledge, to answer those questions.

In order to ensure your Costa Rican experience to develop a strong plan B, here are 5 top reasons to consider Costa Rica from my perspective and experience as a Costa Rican living in San Francisco for over 20 years, and as Team Leader for AMSI Costa Rica.

  1. Costa Rica is very well known for being a country with a long democratic tradition that does not have an army.
  2. Costa Rica is highly popular with people from all around the globe that come to visit and, in many cases, end up living in the country.
  3. There is a long legal tradition that backs up your ownership of free and clear titles.
  4. The Weather. Costa Rica has great weather with a wide range of microclimates to enjoy……Tropical, Mild, and Cold.
  5. Costa Rica is a captivating paradise with most welcoming people that believe in what they call the “Pura Vida” Lifestyle (literally Pure Life or in a better translation ‘the art of living well’).

Let’s break down each of the 5 top reasons for plan B to ensure and secure your Costa Rican experience in the “Pura Vida” way.

1. Costa Rica is very well-known for being a country with a long democratic tradition that does not have an army.

Yes, you heard this right!!! This country abolished its army back in 1948,  and since then it relies on international law to defend its sovereignty and national interests. Considering that Costa Rica is located in Central America (an area very well known for high political, social and economic instability) it is remarkable that Costa Rica abolished its army and managed to stay away from the Central American conflicts that had unfortunately engulfed so many of the nations in this area of the world. This fact gives Costa Rica a high level of political stability and continuous economic and social growth as backed by the World Bank.

2. Costa Rica is highly popular with people from all around the globe that come to visit and, in many cases, end up living in the country.

According to “in 2019, Costa Rica welcomed a total of 3.14 million tourists. This represented an increase of around 4.1 percent in comparison with the number of international arrivals reported in the previous year”

In a country of little more than 5 million people, there is no doubt this represents a significant amount of visitors which brings us into another interesting fact… Do you know you can become a resident by investing $200,000 in Real Estate? Yes, you heard it right! Costa Ricans have a very safe and easy way for you to become a resident but even without it, the fact that so many people come to this country can secure your real estate investment for plan B. Not to mention that it is a captivating paradise with very welcoming people that believe in what they call the “Pura Vida” Lifestyle (literally Pure Life or in a better translation “the art of living well”). Living the Costa Rican experience as an investor and visitor is something you can do to ensure plan B is there for you, family and friends.

3. There is a long legal tradition that backs up your ownership of free and clear titles.

According to Real Estate Agent Oscar Robles from American Marketing Systems Incorporated in Costa Rica, a foreigner can own property under the same rights as a citizen from this country. The rights to own title are guaranteed by The Law and there is title insurance available to add more value to your investment.

4. The Weather. Costa Rica has great weather with a wide range of microclimates to enjoy……Tropical, Mild, and Cold.

In accordance with data from the Costa Rican Embassy in Washington DC this country, at 51.100 Kilometers square (19,729 sq feet), represents only 0.03% of the world’s landmass but has 6% of the world biodiversity. 25.6% of the territory is protected under an impressive system of National Parks and Reserves. Being close to the Equator, the country is classified as tropical; however it has 12 climatic zones that range from frosty, cold, hot, dry, humid and pleasantly mild.

5. Costa Rica is a captivating paradise with most welcoming people that believe in what they call the “Pura Vida” Lifestyle (literally Pure Life or, in a better translation, ‘the art of living well’).

The country is an immense natural beauty where Ticos, or Costa Ricans, are generally well known for being shy, educated, very democratic, well mannered, nice, and helpful. The country is classified by The World Happiness Report for 2019 as one of the happiest places on Earth to live in.

In this captivating paradise, are very welcoming people who believe in what they call the “Pura Vida” Lifestyle (literally Pure Life or in a better translation “the art of living well”). Living the Costa Rican experience as an investor and visitor is something you can do to ensure plan B is there for you, family and friends. There are more reasons to invest in this lovely country but that would make this article a book.

Let us finish by giving you a piece of advice: Do yourself a favor and definitely consider opening your investment options now because as Mark Twain once said “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

This story was sponsored by AMSI

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