THE Caribbean port city of Limónwill be the site of a cooking contestorganized by the Center for Researchand Conservation of Cultural Heritage.The center has organized regionalcooking contests since 2001 with thegoals of celebrating the culinary artsand regional dishes, and spreadingknowledge of traditional Costa Ricangastronomy. In the past four years,contests have taken place all over thecountry, in the provinces of Guanacaste,Cartago, Puntarenas and Heredia,and collectively received a total of689 entries.This year, it’s Limón’s turn. Thecontest will be held Aug. 6 – with registrationopen until the day before – inthe Eddy Bermúdez Gymnasium,starting at 9 a.m. Participants mustarrive with their submissions alreadyprepared. Two judges will overseeeach of the contest’s three categories:main dish, bread and desserts, andbeverages.Submissions will be judged onpresentation, creativity, difficulty ofrecipe and authenticity. Two winnerswill be selected from each categoryand will receive cash prizes rangingfrom ¢75,000-125,000 ($150-260).For information or to register, call223-0923, 255-3523 or 758-0923 byAug. 5.
Today in Costa Rica