FANS of San José’s Saprissa soccerteam can now go all the way andbeyond in their team colors with theteam’s newest commercial venture,Saprissa coffins. Made of laurel andmahogany, they are painted purple andbear the famous Saprissa trademark ofa fire-spitting dragon.Saprissa sendoffs are offeredthrough Funeraria La Auxiliadora andcost ¢380,000 ($800), with monthlyprepayment plans available. The ideaarose from customer demand fromdiehard followers wishing to remaineternally faithful to their team. Aspokesperson for the funeral parlorsaid they had received requests forcustomized coffins and felt the marketwas ready for them.“We’re just starting out, but wehave sold several,” she explained.This innovative way to go joinsother Saprissa commercial productssuch as Sapricola, a soda-type beverage,Monstruletas, purple and whiteice cream bars on sticks sold throughDíaz ice cream parlors (except inAlajuela where La Liga usually licksSaprissa), Saprissa cookies, caps,cups, balls, backpacks, men’s andwomen’s underwear, and stuffedMonstruo toys that resemble Barneythe dinosaur more than a dragon.Although the casket idea is gainingground, it has been the subject ofjokes and jests; one radio commentatorquestioned whether they could beexported to the United States underthe Central American Free-TradeAgreement.